Configuration Files


The config file is there to defined the parameters of your analysis. A config file is divided into sections. Each section is a logical group of option and there is some constants across the sections like names, functionalities.

This page will go through all the section, one by one. As for the Tutorial, we will asume that the working directory is ~/myanalysis.

The out option gives the main folder where enrico will put the produced files and the results. The verbose option (default is ‘yes’) allow enrico to print information on the main output like TS, fluxes, predicted numbers of gammas, etc… Such values need computation time which can be saved by turning the option to ‘no’. The Submit option, if turn to ‘yes’, will send the jobs to a cluster. clobber is a wrapper for the ST tool option and allow to overwrite existing output files is ‘yes’ (default)

out = ~/myanalysis
verbose = yes
Submit = no
clobber = no


The target options gives the name, position and spectral model you want to use for the source you are interested in.

Note :

  • Coordinate are in degrees.
  • Available models are ‘PowerLaw’, ‘PowerLaw2’, ‘LogParabola’, ‘PLExpCutoff’

The parameter spectrum is used for the generation of the sky model. Of course, you can change the model describing the spectrum of any sources (by hand…). All the models supported by the ST are described here. For now, the supported models by enrico are PowerLaw, PowerLaw2, LogParabola, PLExpCutoff, Generic. Generic is for the non-supported models. By supported, we mean that enrico can produce a xml file with such model and has some optional features. It is completely possible to run an analyse with enrico and a non-supported model. For extragalactic sources, absorption by the extragalactic background light can be taken into account. This feature is disable if z=0:

  • redshift has to be provided
  • ebl_model is a id of a model - the number is defined in the ST. 0=Kneiske, 1=Primack05, 2=Kneiske_HighUV, 3=Stecker05, 4=Franceschini, 5=Finke, 6=Gilmore
  • the EBL absorption can be scaled by a parameter which can be fitted if fit_tau = yes
   name = PG155+113
   ra = 238.92935
   dec = 11.190102
   spectrum = PowerLaw2
   redshift = 0.5
   ebl_model = 4
   fit_tau = no


The space option defined the properties of the region of interest (ROI). The names are the same as for the ScienceTools. The center of the ROI is xref, yref and the size is rad (in degrees). By default xref and yred are the target coordinates but this might be changed.

   xref = 238.92935
   yref = 11.190102
   rad = 10.0
   binsz = 0.1
   coordsys = CEL
   proj = AIT
   phibins = 0


if you used binned analysis or for the generation of a TS map, the ROI will be divided in nxpix and nypix pixel with a bin size of binsz.


Here you defined where the FT2 and FT1 files are (this can be an ascii list). The xml option gives the location of the sky model. The tag is added to all files produced by enrico. When generating a config file, the value of spacecraft and event are set in such way that is point towards the the file downloaded with enrico_download

   spacecraft = ~/myanalysis/FT2.fits
   event = ~/myanalysis/data.list
   xml = ~/myanalysis/XML_model.xml
   tag = MyTag


Start and stop time of your analysis in MET. The file option allow the analysis (Lc or SED) to be performed in disjoint time bins. This can be useful for e.g. MWL campaigns or non-constant time bins LC. The file must be an ascii file with 2 columns (start and stop) and each line is a time bin

   tmin = 239557417.0
   tmax = 256970880.0
   file = ""
   type = 'MET'


Minimal and maximal energy of your analysis in MeV. enumbins_per_decade is the number of bins per decade for the BINNED analysis chain.

   emin = 200.0
   emax = 300000.0
   enumbins_per_decade = 10


Here are defined some directories. They are also defined as environment variables which can be over-writted using the configuration file.

   # Analysis environment configuration
   # Can also be done via shell environment variables


This part is used to defined how enrico should select the event. You can defined the event class (evclass : 1, 2 , etc..), the zenith angle cut (zmax) and the filter for gtmktime (filter). Also the IRFS used to describe the instrument are defined here (irfs).

Convtype is use to select either the front (0), back (1) or both (-1) events. If convtype =0 or 1, an ::FRONT of ::BACK is happened at the end of the irfs string automatically allowing to use the good IRFS.

   # General analysis options
   likelihood = binned
   zmax = 100.0
   roicut = no
   filter = DATA_QUAL==1&&LAT_CONFIG==1&&ABS(ROCK_ANGLE)<52

Events and IRFs

This part is used to defined how enrico should select the event and which IRFs to use. You can defined the event class and evtype. By default IRFS are automatically selected using the evclass and evtype (see ST documentation), irfs default value is then CALDB.

event class (PSF, edisp, etc..) can be selected through this skim. For more information, please see XXX

Currently supported irfs with this system are the PASS8_R2 irfs.

   irfs = CALDB
   evclass = 128
   evtype = 3


Option for the minimizer. You can use MINUIT, NEWMINUIT, DRMGB, etc. ftol is the tolerance that the minimizer should reach.

   optimizer = MINUIT
   ftol = 1e-06


This section is about the sky model generation. If you have set correctly you environment variables, then enrico is able to find the galactic and extragalactic model. If you want to use other model, you can specify here, their names and locations.

The 3FGL is used by default to find the source in the ROI. All the source with a significance greater than min_significance will be added. All sources within max_radius (in degrees) have their parameters free to vary in the fitting procedure. The other sources have their parameters frozen to the 3FGL value.

You can use also the 2FGL or the 1FHL by specifying their name and location.

   # The following options determine the xml model
   diffuse_gal_dir = ""
   diffuse_iso_dir = ""
   diffuse_gal = gal_2yearp7v6_v0.fits
   diffuse_iso = iso_p7v6source.txt

   # user points sources for diffuse catalog sources
   point_only = True
   # freeze spectral parameters for weak and far away sources:
   min_significance = 4.0
   max_radius = 3.0


Options for enrico_sed which run all the ST tool to make an pointlike analysis.

  • FitsGeneration, if yes, enrico will make all the steps before running gtlike and generated all the fits files needed. If the files have already been generated, change FitsGeneration to no and enrico will only run gtlike
  • ResultPlots : Compute the SED (butterfly) and the model map (in the case of an binned analysis)
  • FrozenSpectralIndex : froze the spectral index of the source (works for POWERLAW and POWERLAW2 models)
  • SummedLike : you can use the summed likelihood method, then front and back event are treated separately and the likelihood which is minimized is the the sum of the front likelihood and back likelihood. This feature is provided by the ScienceTools.
  • Submit : submit the job to a cluster or run it in the current shell.
   #Generates fits files or not?
   FitsGeneration = no
   #Generates plots (SED, model map)
   ResultPlots = yes
   #Freeze the spectral index of the source
   FrozenSpectralIndex = 0.0
   #Use the summed likelihood method
   SummedLike = no


This section allows to set up the upper limit computation. During the computation, the spectral index of the source (it is assumed that a POWERLAW or POWERLAW2 model is used) is frozen to SpectralIndex. 3 methods can be used, Profile or Integral (see the Fermi web site for more informations) and Poisson .base on the Feldman-Cousins method for low signal (Only 95 % yet available)

An upper limit, at the confidence level cl, is computed if the TS is below TSlimit. This hold only for enrico_sed

   #Assumed Spectral index
   SpectralIndex = 1.5
   # UL method could be Profile or Integral (provided by the fermi collaboration)
   Method = Profile
   envelope = no
   #Compute an UL if the TS of the sources is <TSlimit
   TSlimit = 25.0
   # Confidence level for the Ul computation
   cl = 0.95

LightCurve : running the analyse in time bins

Option for enrico_lc which run an entire analysis in time bins and produce all the fits files needed to use gtlike.

  • FitsGeneration, if yes, enrico will make all the steps before running gtlike and generated all the fits files needed. If the files have already been generated, change FitsGeneration to no and enrico will only run gtlike
  • NLCbin : number of time bins
  • MakeConfFile : enrico_lc will produce config file readable by enrico for each time bin. You can ask the tool to not do so, if you want to use/modify the config files.
  • Submit : submit the job to a cluster or run it in the current shell.
  • TSLightCurve : an upper limit is computed is the TS in a time bin is below this value.
  • DiagnosticPlots : ask enrico_plot_lc to generate diagnostic plot (TS vs time, Npred vs flux …)
   #Generates fits files or not?
   FitsGeneration = yes
   #Number of points for the LC
   NLCbin = 20
   MakeConfFile = no
   #Compute an UL if the TS of the sources is <TSLightCurve
   TSLightCurve = 9.0
   #Generates control plots
   DiagnosticPlots = yes

Folded LightCurve

This section is devoted to the folded LC. This is designed for binary system analysis.

  • NLCbin : number of time bins
  • epoch: Epoch of phase=0 in MJD, equal to tmin is 0
  • Period: Orbital period in days
   #Number of bins for the orbitally folded LC
   NLCbin = 10
   #Epoch of phase=0 in MJD, equal to tmin is 0
   epoch = 0
   #Orbital period in days
   Period = 10

Ebin : running the analyse in energy bins

  • FitsGeneration, if yes, enrico will make all the steps before running gtlike and generated all the fits files needed. If the files have already been generated, change FitsGeneration to no and enrico will only run gtlike
  • NumEnergyBins : number of bins in energy
  • TSEnergyBins : an upper limit is computed is the TS in an energy bin is below this value.
  • Submit : submit the job to a cluster or run it in the current shell.
   #Generates fits files or not?
   FitsGeneration = yes
   NumEnergyBins = 7
   #Compute an UL if the TS of the sources is <TSEnergyBins
   TSEnergyBins = 9

Option for enrico_tsmap

TSMap : creating a TS map

This section is used to configured enrico_tsmap and enrico_plot_tsmap

  • Re-Fit : use rerun gtlike in order to have the best fit parameters in your model.
  • npix : number of pixels of you map. Remember that the TS map grid is based on the other maps (like count map) produced before and centred to the coordinates xref,yref.
  • RemoveTarget : remove your source of interest form the map by freezing its parameters.
  • Submit : submit the job to a cluster or run it in the current shell.

In order to speed up the process, parallel computation can be used. Either each pixel can be a job by itself (option [TSMap]/method = pixel) or a job can regroup an entire row of pixel (option [TSMap]/method = row)

   #Re-fit before computing the TS map
   Re-Fit = no
   #Numbers of pixel in x and y
   npix = 10
   #Remove or not the target from the model
   RemoveTarget = yes
   #Generate the TS map pixel by pixel or by grouping the pixels by row.
   #(reduce the numbers of jobs but each job are longer)
   method = row

If a pixel (or a row) has failed you can rerun it. For the pixel 49,4 :

enrico_tsmap myanalysis.conf 49 4

For the entire row 49 :

enrico_tsmap myanalysis.conf 49

Findsrc : Finding the position of a source

This section is used to configured enrico_findsrc. It run the tool gtfindsource and update the file Roi_model.reg with the fitted position in red.

  • FitsGeneration, if yes, enrico will make all the steps before running gtfindsource and generated all the fits files needed. If the files have already been generated, change FitsGeneration to no and enrico will only run gtfindsource
  • Refit : re-run the optimizer before (use the option reopt)
   #Generates fits files or not?
   FitsGeneration = option('yes', 'no', default='yes')
   #Reoptimize before
   Refit = option('yes', 'no', default='yes')

srcprob : Get the highest energy event

This section is used to configured enrico_srcprob.

This part get the highest energy events that can bee associated to the sources in the lit. The probability to be a source event is also computed (using unbinned analyse). The source list has to be an ascii text.

Contours : Compute confidence contour

This section is used to configured enrico_contour. It is possible to compute the 1, 2 and 3 sigma contour of the 2 parameters given here.