Graphical User Interface (GUI)

This page describe the windows of the enrico GUI. To run the GUI, type

enrico_'gui' Configuration.conf

The GUI aims to allow easy configuration file management and to run tools. Each page, arranged in tabs, roughly correspond to a section of the configuration file (see Configuration Files). At the bottom of the GUI are buttons to save the configuration file and close the GUI. The convention is such that a crossed box stand for a yes in the configuration file.

Main page

The first page is the Main page of the GUI. Here the main options can be defined and tools can be run using the buttons (run a tool save the configuration file on disk).


Files page

The second page manage the files definition (event, FT2 and xml) as well as the tag of your analysis.


Target/Space page

The target (name, position and spectral model) is defined is this page (first frame). The second frame defined the ROI (center (Xref, Yref), size). The sync button update the value Xref and Yref with the target position. It is then possible to have a ROI not centered on the target. The projection type and coordinate system is defined here also.


Analysis page

The analysis tab deal with the analysis chain (binned or unbinned), some cuts (zenith angle (zmax), filter for the GTI definition). The IRFs are also defined here.

The fitting algorithm (MINUIT, NEWMINUIT, etc) and the tolerance are setup here.


Energy/Time page

This page define the energy and time ranges.


Spectrum/Ebin page

This page is used to manage the spectrum and energy bins generation as in the configuration file. The buttons Re-run Ebin can be used to only rerun the bin (by running as many jobs as the number of bin)


Spectrum page of the GUI

Upper Limits page

This page allows the definition of the UL computation parameters : assumed index, minimal TS and confidence level


Light Curves page

The light Curves are setup here.


Aperture/FoldedLC page

The first frame of the page is for the aperture LC and the second for the Folded LC.


TS Map page

TS Map parameters are managed here


Findsrc page

The findsrc tool parameters are managed here


Plots page

This page allow to draw the produced plots. Using the buttons, you have access to

  • the SED and corresponding debug plots
  • the LC and corresponding debug plots

If the plot has not been produced, Enrico Fermi picture is display.
